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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Sunset Wave (Canvas Panel 11X14", Jan.6.2016)

I had so much fun doing this one, and I love the way it turned out. I took the whale tail from a photo, but innovated the color a bit. I made the sky orange and red and also reflected some of that orange and red into the water. It was really fun to experiment with colors that isn't usually associated with water, but I realized halfway that water really tend to take on any color that it reflects. In hindsight I wish I added even more red. It's an idea I'd like to try out in another painting. I felt so protective of this one that while it dried I had a dream where I accidently scraped and ruined it, only to wake up to find that it wasn't a dream, but that it was in fact ruined! And then to wake up again, realizing both those times were all dreams and that the painting was fine! Oh the nerve of me~